Thursday, December 11, 2008

Entertainment in Japan

Since I came to Japan, I have watched TV almost everyday. From this, I have made a few observations about what I have seen. To say that all Japanese TV is the same would be wrong, though I can't help but think every time I see a new show "Isn't this the same thing that was on yesterday?". Aside from the usual news, sports and kids programs that almost every country has, I have noticed three types of shows that dominate a good portion of the airtime, especially during primetime.

1. The comedy show.
A panel of well known comedians sitting around in a crazy decorated set in front of an audience. Video clips or some type of crazy competition are shown and the panel members give funny responses, then cut to the reaction of the other hosts.

2. The amazing fact show.
Again, a panel of well know TV personalities view video footage of strange foreign customs, historical events or other amazing, but not well known sights. An announcer or the host will pose a question to the panel/viewer "How are they able to make such a thing?" or "Where did this idea come from?" etc.. The panel then explains their theories which range from clever, to comically stupid. Then, queue a video explaining the answer along with a little box showing people going "eeeeeh!?".

3. "Food porn"
The same formula as above, but instead with slow motion close ups of various food and the preparation. These shows always seem to come on during dinner time. While in the US, there is an entire network devoted to food, it is more focused on information about cooking, how to make it, or the drama between chefs in high stakes competitions. Not so much about the drool factor. I can understand the popularity of such shows here, as I have found that Japanese people really like eating, and often in quantities I can't compete with.

1 comment:

visual gonthros said...

Yes... as we have been talking about throughout the semester. Japanese TV has certain preferences for themes and formats. Once in a while somebody comes along and does something completely different. Those are the nuggets to watch for...